Подписка на журналы

Nonlinear Phenomena In Complex Systems / Нелинейные явления в сложных системах

Подписка на газеты и журналы на 2024 год

Цена указана за подписку на 2024 год с учётом доставки международной бандеролью

Издается с июля 1998 года ISSN 1561-4085 Выходит ежеквартально на английском языке. The primary objective of Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems (NPCS) is to provide a single forum for this interdisciplinary area to strengthen links between basic and applied research, theoretical and experimental methods relating to nonlinear dynamics of complex systems encountered in the natural and social sciences. Its goal is to bring together, in one periodical, significant papers of high quality on all aspects of nonlinear dynamics, including phenomena, modelling, and complexity, thereby providing a focus and catalyst for the timely dissemination and cross-fertilization of new ideas, principles, and techniques across a broad interdisciplinary front. The scope of this international journal includes experiment, computational, and theoretical aspects of phase transitions, critical phenomena, self-organization, bifurcations, chaos, fluctuation phenomena, pattern formation, fractals and complexity in physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, biology, social and economic sciences and the other areas of Scientific endeavour.

Доставка международной бандеролью изменить;

Журнал выходит 4 в год;

формат 60х84/8;

вес 170 гр.;

64 стр.;

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